Browse Day: March 4, 2007

Another 100 bucks!


Woo Hoo!!  I’ve reached my second $100!!  That’s $100.25 to be exact.  My “Lift to the Top” photo was downloaded today and now I get to cash out.  It was almost exactly a year ago when I reached my first $100.  I guess $100/year is not bad for sitting on my ass doing nothing.

By the way, that’s Kelly, Patty, and Johnny on the lift.  Hee hee…

stinky prom


My mom got to have dinner with her kids last night. We took her to Koki’s Teppan and Sushi for some meat and entertainment. It was the usual chop chop fare with the cheesy strobe light antics of our chef in the big red hat. The unusual part of the dinner was being at the same table as a large group of high schoolers dressed to the nines. I think they were having their pre-dance dinner for some kind of winter formal going on that evening. Not only was our table filled with teenagers but another group of about 20 more arrived a little later and sat at the table next to us. It was kinda fun watching them as they sat two by two with their respective dates. The funny thing that we realized was that they were going to head over to their event with the distinct smell of grilled meat and seafood. I suppose it doesn’t matter as much if they’ll all hanging out with each other anyway. But can you imagine wearing a formal that you spent so much time picking out to have it end up smelling like Korean BBQ at the end of the night? Yum. Anyway, the food wasn’t very memorable but the experience was.