Baby Season has Begun
We went to Debbie and Pish’s Baby Shower this afternoon. It was quite a shindig with a Hawaiian theme complete with Spam musubi and King’s Hawaiian cake. They had a baby bottle drinking contest and pass the pacifier game, which were pretty funny. We also got to see some old friends from UCLA there. The best part was hanging out with the Chamkasems.
As I was there, I was getting a string of emails on my Blackberry from my girlfriends. It started with Patty announcing that she’s having a girl. Then one from Annie announcing that she is having twins. Then one more email from Juliet who announced that she’s also preggers. With Debbie having her little girl in May, Patti having her second girl in May, Karrie having twin girls in June, Khai (our neighbor) having their second child this summer, and Marie having a baby in August, this will definitely be a year of babies. Congratulations to all of you!!
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