Browse Month: February 2007



My last day in Vail was simply powderlicious. It snowed lightly yesterday and all day today to make the conditions on the mountain so much fun. We explored more of the backside, shooshed through trees, and some of the guys jumped some small cliffs. I even had enough courage to do some of my own little jumps and hops. I also experienced being buried in powder. I was following Johnny through some trees and got stuck. The snow was thigh-high and the only thing keeping me from sinking in further and drowning was a fallen branch sticking out of the snow. It was an awesome day in the Colorado snow and truly made up for the disappointing day we had on Friday.


Once we got back to the condo, we went to the backyard where there was a huge pillow of snow that was about thigh-high. After doing backflips and faceplants into the snow, we decided to build snow forts and had a good old-fashioned snowball fight. We ended up soaked to the bone and exhausted but had so much fun. What a great end to our Vail weekend.

Relaxin’ and Explorin’

DSC_3636.jpgToday was our “day off” from skiing. Johnny and his friends went again today while Jes and I stayed behind for the day. It was actually kinda nice to just relax and enjoy being away from home. We slept in, made some breakfast, and then did a little exploring. We went into the Village to do some shopping and I found some inexpensive t-shirts. Of course I brought my camera and took a few shots but nothing really caught my eye. Later we had lunch, bought some groceries for dinner, and went exploring the neighborhood a bit. Vail is a quiet town with lots of richie riches in their big-ass houses on the hill overlooking the slopes. Some of the houses are really pretty are practically walking distance to the lifts. It snowed off and on today and Johnny came back to report that conditions were better today. Awesome! It’s supposed to snow more tonight and the mountains will be ready for my return tomorrow.

We must be in Colorado.


If you were looking for the Question of the Day today, I apologize.  I haven’t had internet access for the past 24 hours.  We flew into Vail yesterday afternoon and had our first day on the slopes today.  I must say that with all the hype of “Colorado powder”, I was sorely disappointed.  There were some nice spots but overall the base was not great.  However, we still had a good time.  The runs are super long and the mountain is gigantic.  The temps were very managable and we even got about two seconds of flurries in the afternoon.

Question of the Day #6

Question of the Day #6:
If you could be teleported to anywhere in the world and spend only 12 hours there, where would you go?

My Answer:
I would visit the penguins in Antarctica. 12 hours is plenty of time in the freezing cold. I hear that if you stand still, the penguins will walk right up to you. I’d have to pack a bunch of spare batteries for my camera since the freezing temps would zap the power out of my camera in a flash.

Super Milestone


In 1969, my dad immigrated to the U.S. of A. and started his “American Dream”. Today, 37 years later, he retired. He made a living for himself and his family of 4 and now it’s time to par-tay! So, with the huge weight off his shoulders and a round-trip ticket to Thailand, he is ready to do just that. Tonight, we had a celebratory dinner at our usual Thai restaurant in Cypress and he leaves tomorrow for a month-long trip to Thailand. Woohoo! Congratulations, Daddy!!

Question of the Day #5

Today we have multiple parts but they should be pretty easy to answer.

Questions of the Day #5:
1) Name two things you’re wearing right now.
2) Name two things on your To Do List.

My Answers:
1) my blue Paul Frank tee with two giraffes riding a bike and my favorite jeans
2) pack for my trip to Vail and start on the design for Jason’s wedding program