Browse Day: February 15, 2007


There was no post this morning because I was little distracted. It all started on Thursday afternoon – right before I left for Vail.  It involved a high profile case that involved a family that hired an attorney who totally ripped our psychologist to shreds and then went after me until I had to leave the meeting early.  So, I assumed that I was going to get squashed today for the remainder of my report.  But he ended up having no questions for me. Boo…I studied for nothing. I was even ready to draw diagrams on the dry erase board and everything!

Anyway, this attorney basically said that our assessement was crap and so were the goals that we proposed for his client (a 3.5-year-old student). Out of the 17 goals that we proposed, he accepted only one and it was mine! Woo hoo!! Too bad my other two were not. Anyway, I came out of the meeting simply pissed because he had wasted 3 hours of my life that I’ll never get back. When I got back to my school, the staff couldn’t stop raving about my performance and how I stood up to Mr. Obnoxious Man. I felt like a hero that defeated the evil villain that was attacking our school. It didn’t even phase me but I guess if I made that much of an impact I should celebrate my victory. Now that I made it out alive, I’m making it a learning experience in my book of professional growth. I had always heard about this man who is notorious around the county. Now that I know how he plays the game, I’ll be ready for the next one. So, I enjoyed a glass of wine with dinner to celebrate the mini-victory that I had after a week’s worth of stress and anxiety leading up to today’s meeting. I’m just sad that out of all of this, the poor little girl who needs help is delayed another week from her therapy because her parents are too retarded to make their own decisions.