Relaxin’ and Explorin’
Today was our “day off” from skiing. Johnny and his friends went again today while Jes and I stayed behind for the day. It was actually kinda nice to just relax and enjoy being away from home. We slept in, made some breakfast, and then did a little exploring. We went into the Village to do some shopping and I found some inexpensive t-shirts. Of course I brought my camera and took a few shots but nothing really caught my eye. Later we had lunch, bought some groceries for dinner, and went exploring the neighborhood a bit. Vail is a quiet town with lots of richie riches in their big-ass houses on the hill overlooking the slopes. Some of the houses are really pretty are practically walking distance to the lifts. It snowed off and on today and Johnny came back to report that conditions were better today. Awesome! It’s supposed to snow more tonight and the mountains will be ready for my return tomorrow.
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