Browse Month: February 2007

Question of the Day #16

It’s the last day of February and the end of our “Question of the Day” series.  I hope you had fun reading each other’s responses.  I sure did.  I’ll probably throw one in every once in a while but probably not as consistently as I have this month.  The award for “Most Comments Made” goes to….Brother!!  But Dayantha definitely comes in as a close second.  Yay!

Question of the Day #16:
Tell me one good thing about two of your friends or family members. 
C’mon…you can do it.

My Answer:
Brother – Always up for trying new things (ready for the half marathon?!)
Dayantha – Always a team player…i.e. QoftheDay, imaginary bball, etc.

Look what I made!

OK, Everyone. Brace yourselves for my very very first painting on canvas EVER!


Introducing…My Subject, Mr. Mango on Orange


Ta Da!! Here is the finished piece.

Well, it’s just about finished.  I think I’m supposed to do some touch-ups next week. Now for the most important question: Does it look like a mango?  Be honest now…


Here is my palette.


And here is my “painting station”. You can actually see the subject in the background too.

So there you have it – my very first painting. It was quite daunting at first and my instructor even said that the green was going to very hard to pull off. But I think as long as it’s a recognizable mango, I’ve succeeded.

Question of the Day #15

Everyone says that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I’d have to agree.  My job requires a lot of energy and patience and when I’m running on empty I get cranky.  I usually eat breakfast at my desk at work and this week’s breakfast is cold cereal.  In fact, it’s Honey Bunches of Oats!  Yum.  Cereal totally rocks.  I used to eat it for dinner when Jes was travelling.

Question of the Day #15:
What’s your favorite cereal?

My Answer:
If there’s no milk, I like to eat Berry Berry Kix out of the box.
With milk, the kiddie cereal of choice would be Corn Pops. 
If I need some fiber, I prefer Raisin Bran Crunch.

my dog, my buddy


I was taking some more random photos around the house over the weekend and shot this funny one. Some would consider this a crappy photo but I think it really captures a typical day at home in a nutshell.  With a little work on Photoshop, I modified it a bit to give it a vintage touch.

Question of the Day #14

Question of the Day #14:
What is your least favorite household chore?

My Answer:
It used to be vacuuming until I got a Dyson.  Now it’s folding and putting away laundry.


DSC_4416a.jpgI started my Acrylic Painting class on Tuesday. The last art class I took was in high school and I’d been itching to give it another try. Since my darkroom class was cancelled, this was the perfect time to do it. I figured it would be a good way to relieve stress and teach me a bit more about color and composition.

My instructor is a professional painter with a gallery in Laguna Canyon. He teaches a variety of painting classes and seems to have a great deal of experience and knowledge. We started by just making sketches of some fruits with strong shadows. It was a preparatory activity for our first project. He also gave us some tips on what supplies to buy and where to get them at a lower cost.

So, today I went out to the art store and it was like going into a candy store. With wide eyes and a silly grin on my face, I browsed the many aisles of pens, paints, brushes, and paper. Since this was my first real painting class, I was starting from scratch and had to literally buy everything I needed. It was a good thing that my instructor gave me some direction as to which brands to choose from and what type of tools I would need. It was very overwhelming and I spent nearly 45 minutes just browsing. Little by little I filled up my cart and I came home with 4 canvases, paints in all different colors, a Sta-Wet palette, painting knife, stetching pencils, and a box to hold all my stuff. Luckily there’s a “brush guy” that’s coming on Tuesday to sell us some brushes. They’re so expensive! Each one costs $5-15 each! I think this guy will be selling his for $3-6. Thank goodness.