Sorry Dog, no door for you.
We got our Christmas tree today! It’s a 6-foot Noble Fir that we picked up from a lot across from Orange Coast College. Our neighbor told us about it last year and it really is a bargain. Basically, they say that you can have your pick of the lot for $33.99. So, basically a little 3-footer and a big 10-footer cost the same.
As our tree guy tied the tree to the top of the X3, he told us that Noble Firs are much more popular lately. He said that they go through a container and a half each day! When I was a kid, we couldn’t afford them because they were sooo expensive. I think they still are at most tree lots (even at Home Depot) – going for at least $70 for my 6-footer. I used to call them “the soft ones” and thought they were so much prettier than the pokey bushy Douglas Fir that we always brought home. Now that I’m a “grown-up” and found a place that sells them dirt cheap, I can live like a baller and take home my very own Noble Fir. Unfortunately, the bird house is a bit small so we actually had to block the door that leads to our patio. Sorry Dog, you’re going to have to go through the garage for a couple weeks.
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