Browse Day: October 29, 2006

It’s about time.

We were long overdue on fixing the patio. I started the project about a year ago by pulling out most of the weedy reeds (they were so out of control) and dug up the wires that weren’t working anymore.  I guess that wasn’t bad for a girl who doesn’t own a shovel. Yep, I basically used a hand shovel and my bare hands. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any more energy to finish it since the dirt was so hard and difficult to manage.  So, I left quite an unsightly mess in the planter for about a year. I also wanted to redo the side plot where the maple lives. It’s gone through some crazy rain, hungry  neighborhood rabbits, and dogs running through it. It was time to replace most of the shrubs.

So, in celebration of the last day of Daylight Saving Time, we decided to fix it up with a little help from the nursery down the street. Sure, we could have done it ourselves but it would have take at least two or three days and wouldn’t look nearly as nice. Instead, we went to the nursery on Saturday around noon, picked out what we wanted, asked for a quote on planting it, and forked over the money. They showed up at 4:30 pm the same day, dug up all the old stuff including the hard clay dirt, installed all the plants and flowers, and put in new soil all in one hour. Of course there were three guys but man, that was fast! Ah…I feel much better now. By the way, the time change totally rules. Having an extra hour in the morning will definitely help me get to work on time now.
