Browse Day: October 24, 2006

Takes me back to college…

Last night I came home from dinner with Jes’ parents and had some homework to do. I started my report but got really sleepy, as I usually do at 10 pm. I knew that I had a 7:45 am meeting the next day with a report that was due at the meeting but I decided to take a little nap. So, at 1 am, Jes found me asleep on the couch and shooed me upstairs. I brushed my teeth and spent the next 10 minutes lying in bed with the same guilt and worry that I used to get when I was in college. It’s the guilt and worry that would occur when I had a paper due the next day but I was too tired to finish it. Do I stay up for my second wind or do I wake up extra early the next morning to finish? I opted for the second choice with the risk of oversleeping and being late to the meeting without my report done. Luckily, I woke up at 6 am, finished my work, and made it to work 15 minutes early. Sheesh…I thought those stressful homework days were long over.