Browse Day: October 7, 2006

The Blue Angels came out today.

Bang and Vyl got married today at the James Leary Flood Mansion in the heart of San Francisco. After a dreary day on Friday, the sun came out and made the day perfect. To top it all off, it happens to be Fleet Week in SF and the Blue Angels flew over the city all afternoon. Vyl looked so elegant and just smokin’ HOT in her white mermaid-style gown and pink sash. Bang was glowing and wore a matching pink tie. The ceremony took place in the Grand Hall that overlooked the bay and rolling hills of SF. Their vows were very touching and the party was ragin’. By the end of the evening, everyone was nice and toasty and I took over 500 photos. Congratulations you two!! Have a great time in Asia!

Here are 190 of the photos. Enjoy.

He’s so proud and excited.

This is Bang, Jes, and Ryan pretending to be wedding guests.

On Friday, Jes and I drove Jimmy’s Subi into the city to take care of some pre-wedding stuff. Our first stop was the tux shop where the tux guy that Bang BOUGHT his tux from didn’t remember him. What an *ss. The guy was so obnoxious and kept checking out Jesse’s butt when he tried on the tux. Anyway, we ended up having to pay an arm and a leg for parking there for an hour, which didn’t make that errand any more pleasant.

Since Jes had a 12:30 conference call, we didn’t really have a chance to eat anything…except for the can of Chef Boyardee Ravioli that we found in Jimmy’s cupboard. That was yummy, by the way. So, we stopped for lunch on the way to rehearsal. We found a place called The Grove and the turkey, avocado, bacon sandwich on sourdough was so good. It really made me miss San Francisco or just living in a city where you can find quality food like that. The interesting part about that place was when we walked in, there were people seated along the wall on a long bench all with their laptops out on the tables. It felt like study hall and I had forgotten my textbooks.

Rehearsal was at the Flood Mansion on Broadway and Fillmore. It’s a hundred-year mansion that is now an all-girls private school. The wedding will take place on the main floor in the hallway. There’s an awesome view of the city and the bay since it’s at the top of the hill. We got to see Big Yao (Bang’s dad) and he was so happy that his only son was getting married. I gave him a big hug and said, “Congratulations!” and he said, “Oh, THANK YOU THANK YOU!” Big Yao’s so proud and excited.

Once that was done, we had dinner at PPQ Dungeness Island. It’s a Vietnamese seafood restaurant that gave us bibs and we grubbed on crab (of course), pork, beef, and garlic noodles. Afterwards, we decided to head back to Jimmy’s since I was tired, Huy and his sisters’ flights were delayed, and Jes wanted to go back and WoW-it-up.