Browse Day: September 18, 2006

Make the pounding stop!

studying_03.jpgI’m in super-detox mode and it sucks. I decided to lay off the morning cup of coffee and I’m certainly paying for it. I didn’t think that I drank enough to get withdrawal symptoms but I’m in the trenches at this point.

It started yesterday when I woke up at 9 am and didn’t have my usual cup of coffee. I had a tingling, unpleasant ache above my left eyebrow and it slowly spread to the forehead and top of my head. I decided to ride it out and see if I could beat this thing. Unfortunately, it didn’t go away and I had to drop the dogs off at Pacific Whey at Crystal Cove. Patty invited me for brunch there so I sat and ate half of the salad she ordered for me. After 20 minutes of trying to hang tight, I had to leave because of an awful nauseating feeling that came over me. I drove home as carefully as possible and ended up sleeping from 2:00 pm until this morning at 7:00 am.

I felt a little better this morning but as the day progressed my head got worse. I thought, “Pop a pill? No, those have caffeine in them.” So, I’m sitting here about 60 hours away from my last cup of coffee and still dying. This sucks but people have told me that that it’s better for my health to kick the caffeine habit. I’m crossing my fingers for my head to stop pounding by tomorrow morning or I’m calling in sick.