Browse Month: August 2006

You know you’re starving when…

…the blue cheese in your in-flight salad is really tasty. I don’t know what’s going on but I swear I have a tapeworm in my stomach today. Every two hours I’ve had a rumbly in my tumbly. So far I’ve had a bag of cheesey airplane crackers (like goldfish but shaped as airplanees), half a turkey sandwich, a spicy tuna roll, and a salad. Nevermind the mini-bottle of white wine, bottle of water, and 8 oz cup of coffee that I had with all of that. When is this flight going to end? It’s 8:22 pm PST and we’ve been at the airport since 10:15 am. I think we have about 1.5 hours to go.

Gonna get me some spam and eggs!

I spent all day shopping and running errands. I hate shopping for dresses – especially when you’re in a time crunch. I ended up buying two dresses because I couldn’t decide on one. It’s a good thing I have 2 more weddings to attend after this Hawaii one.
I’m all packed, the electronics are charging, and I even burned some CDs to play in the car while we’re there. It’s a lesson learned from the last several trips we’ve taken there. We always end up going to Borders and buying CDs. The Fernandos and Masayas are already there and will be picking us up from the airport tomorrow evening and taking us straight to Oceans, a bar in Honolulu. Yoon said to “be afraid…be very afraid”. Awesome. Looking forward to it.

“It’s like getting a flat tire.”

Earlier this month I noticed a little UFO in the top right-hand corner of all my photos. It was always in the same spot. I tried cleaning my lens but that didn’t solve it. Then I became worried and thought, “Oh no, do I need to send it in for professional cleaning? That’s going to cost me a fortune.” Well, fortunately, the friendly camera nerds at Samy’s taught me how to get rid of that UFO on my own. Mark said that it’s a VERY common occurence and kept saying, “It’s like getting a flat tire. It happens all the time and you can take care of it on your own or have a professional do it.” Well, he taught me how to flip open the mirror to expose the sensor and suggested that I buy a $6 blower to remove the debris. I must say that it was the best 6 bucks I had spent in a while. I went home, flipped the mirror, blew air around on the sensor, put the lens back on, took a few sky shots, and the UFO is gone!! Awesome. Thanks, Mr. Mark!

So long, Camp!

Yesterday was my last day of Camp. It’s still going for one more week but I’m going to Hawaii on Tuesday. As I drove to PV one last time, it didn’t even phase me. The morning flew by and it wasn’t until the last hour that it hit me. So, I took my last walk-around and went to see my little friend Jadon who is 2 years older now and talking so much more since I last treated him. I said my goodbyes and they sounded more like, “see you later”. I guess I’ll always be back to visit at least. I think the door will remain open for as long as I’m willing to make the drive. I’ll consider it but I’m also relieved to be done and officially on vacation.

Korean Sushi

I had dinner at Kaya Sushi in Marina Del Rey today with the UCLA girls. It was an interesting place with about 6 full pages of rolls including the Spicy Tuna Kimchee Roll, which was rather good. It’s kinda cool having sushi rolls, sunduboo, green tea, and bulgogi all in one sitting. Anyway, it was nice to catch up with the girls and I think we’re going to be seeing more of Miho once she moves to SD for grad school. Afterwards, I met up with the brother, Jon, and Janelle for a good laugh. I’m spending the night at the brother’s tonight to give the car a rest. Only two more days of camp left.

It feels like summer.

Seriously…it’s only for 3 weeks out of the whole year that I set my alarm for 6:00 am and I’m out the door to drive 54 miles before the sun rises. It’s for Camp. Today was the beginning of the second week and I ended up staying at Camp until 7 pm because a camper hadn’t been picked up yet. I would have had to stay longer but our boss came to relieve us. Only 4 more days and I will no longer need to fill out incident reports for bloody noses, babysit forgotten campers, or sort t-shirts. I will be relieved but again, sad that I’ll be done with this insanity. It’s been a fun 4 years but I’m soooo ready to hand it over to the next generation.