Just a little more vacation left…
My official first day back to work is this Friday but unfortunately I have a meeting already scheduled tomorrow morning and Thursday morning. Booo…. One good thing about it is that I will be able to “flex” those days later in the year. So, I’m going to just loaf around the house today to make the most of my last day off.
As you may have noticed, I changed the theme of beakatude. I’m currently dabbling in some photo album software/plugins including the possible use of Flickr. *grr* In the past, Flickr hasn’t really impressed me but they have a few features that would be nice to use on WordPress if they actually worked.
Oh yeah, I also signed up for a Beginning Photography class that starts mid-September. It requires the use of my 35mm SLR again, which will be a nice change. I’m just curious to see how my skills compare to the last time I took a photography class back in 1995. I can’t wait to get high on the processing chemicals.
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