Browse Day: August 17, 2006

Sun and Sand

DSC_6867.jpgThis morning Jes and I walked down to Waikiki beach to check it out. The water is as blue as I remember it to be and the beach was as crowded as ever. But it’s still nice to walk along the waterline and feel the extra-soft sand and watch the little Japanese kids playing in the water.
Later we drove up to to Kailua after Rus arrived. He was so giddy since it was his first time in Hawaii. We stopped at Pali Lookout where the view was awesome and the wind was really strong. The beach at Kailua was nice not nearly as crowded as Waikiki and the water was nice and warm.
On our way back to the condo, we stopped at Costco and Safeway for food. We had a BBQ on the Rec Floor that happened to be just outside of our room. We fired up the grill and had burgers and dogs for everyone. It seemed like the most enjoyable way to feed about 15 people. It’s been crazy trying to mobilize that many people to dinner at a restaurant. Another good day on an island…

I hate hiking.

On Wednesday morning I went shopping with the girls and came back with 3 pairs of flipflops, a quilt, and some cookies.  Later in the afternoon, we hiked up to Manoa falls to find only a trickle. Instead, I ended up with 10 mosquito bites on my legs. I don’t know why I go on hikes.  I always get eaten alive.  I’m sooo itchy.
After dinner we partied in the bride and groom’s suite on the 26th floor with an amazing view of the beach. More drinking ensued and we all managed to walk back to our condo in one piece.