Browse Day: August 13, 2006

“It’s like getting a flat tire.”

Earlier this month I noticed a little UFO in the top right-hand corner of all my photos. It was always in the same spot. I tried cleaning my lens but that didn’t solve it. Then I became worried and thought, “Oh no, do I need to send it in for professional cleaning? That’s going to cost me a fortune.” Well, fortunately, the friendly camera nerds at Samy’s taught me how to get rid of that UFO on my own. Mark said that it’s a VERY common occurence and kept saying, “It’s like getting a flat tire. It happens all the time and you can take care of it on your own or have a professional do it.” Well, he taught me how to flip open the mirror to expose the sensor and suggested that I buy a $6 blower to remove the debris. I must say that it was the best 6 bucks I had spent in a while. I went home, flipped the mirror, blew air around on the sensor, put the lens back on, took a few sky shots, and the UFO is gone!! Awesome. Thanks, Mr. Mark!