Browse Day: July 15, 2006

So many Islanders

On Friday, we grubbed on Korean BBQ with Yong, Helen, Eric, and Annie. There was so much meat that we all rolled out of there stuffed and happy. We later met up with the Tranandos who were celebrating Thilan’s birthday at Mai Tai Bar. Victor, Susie, and Dayantha pretty much came by as soon as they got off their planes and Huy arrived on Thursday night. The best part of weddings is having your friends back in town. The bar/restaurant was surprisingly crowded and bumpin’. I’ve only gone on a Tuesday evening before going to the aquarium and I’m used to having the whole place to myself. Well, on this evening it was packed with lots of large islanders…Samoans, Hawaiians, Filipinos, you name it. It was as if the restaurant really wanted to stick with the theme and imported a bunch of “locals” to give it an authentic feel.  Here are photos from that evening.