Browse Day: July 14, 2006


Holly and Roy’s wedding rehearsal and dinner was last night. Bowers Museum is pretty nice. It’s one of those places you pass by on the freeway and say, “I should visit that some day” and never do. Anyway, the rehearsal went smoothly and it was a nice preview of tomorrow evening. Holly and Roy looked so happy and excited for their big day. I had to practice walking on brick and grass in my heels and I’m a little nervous about doing it for real. Wouldn’t it be great to see me fall on my face in front of everyone?! I can just hear the courtesy golf clap coming from Jes in the audience.

Well, the rehearsal dinner was a yummy 10-course Chinese dinner complete with orange wedges at the end. They all exchanged gifts including a really fancy box that Holly received from Roy’s mom containing family jewels and a piece of paper with Roy’s birthday on it. You just gotta love tradition.

Tonight, friends from all over the place will be arriving. We’re going out for Korean BBQ after picking up Yong and Helen from the airport and then meeting people for drinks at Mai Tai Bar in Long Beach. Let the party begin!