Done, done, and DONE!
I took a sigh of relief this afternoon. I went in to work in the morning, had our end-of-the-year lunch at Islands with my co-workers, and packed up for the week. I got home by 2:00 and now I’m able to clean the house, finish the laundry, and just plain relax. Ah..
Next week, I’ll be driving down to my old stomping grounds, PTN, to work on some camp stuff. It’ll be a nice change from IEPs and reports. I’ll get to hang out with old friends and make a little extra spending money too.
Oh yeah…Yosemite Update: last night I checked the 10-day forecast for Yosemite and so far it looks like 60% showers on the first two days that we’re expected to be there. Uh, guys, I don’t really feel like camping in the rain. Can we find a Plan B?!
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