so hurty…
I don’t know what exactly happened but yesterday I got to work and noticed that my back was a little sore. As the day progressed it bothered me more and more. Now I’m at the point of waking up to find myself unable to put my pants on without leaning on the bed. I even wimpered and cried a bit this morning. I haven’t had it this bad since the first time my back went out over 4 years ago. I didn’t treat any kids today and waddled my way around the school all day. Luckily I was in meetings all day but somehow that makes it a little worse when I have to get up out of the chair again. Just call me granny…that’s literally what I look like when I’m walking around the house…one hand on my back, hunched over, feet in the waddle position, and a funny grimace on my face. *sigh* I’m only 30 and already walking around like I’m 75. Fortunately, I got an appointment with a chiropractor who takes my insurance. It’ll be awesome if it turns out that I can get massages whenever I want for a mere $15 co-pay. But for now, I’ll be happy just to put my pants on.
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