Browse Day: June 9, 2006

There’s nothing like a good beat down…

on a Friday morning. As if my week wasn’t hard enough but this morning at 8 am I had a meeting that topped it all off. I walked in thinking it was going to be rather easy-going but it quickly turned sour. The first inkling of a beat-down was when the mom said something like, “When he starts his new school we’re going to get a real OT…a really good one.” Awesome. This can’t be good.

When it was my turn to speak, before I could get into my report, the mom said, “You don’t need to go through this I already disagree with your recommendation.” She had flipped to the end of the report to see that I was recommending that we discontinue services. Double-awesome.
THEN!! She says to me, “I know you don’t like me and I’ve never liked you so I guess it’s mutual. But it’s not fair to take it out on a child.” WHAM! Beat down! I was pretty speechless. When I finally caught my breath, I calmly replied with, “Wow. (pause) I’ve never had any negative feelings about you.” She then quickly replied with, “Well, then me too!” Huh?

Anyway, I didn’t finish my report and said to the administrator, “I don’t have anything else to say. It’s all in my report.” After the meeting, the teacher, who was sitting next to the mom, said to me, “I had to do everything in my power not to reach over and sock her in the face. That wouldn’t have been very professional of me.” Aw, *sniff* how sweet. So that was how I spent my Friday morning. I hope all of you had a better Friday.