Browse Day: June 6, 2006

I’m so mac-dumb.

On Sunday night, I was fiddling around with some new software that I just installed on the macbook. I thought I’d update some of beakatude and upload the pages using a new ftp software that I had to learn. Well, learning how to skillfully navigate on this new OS and doing what I usually do on the Thinkpad has been quite an adventure. Something so simple as to delete something from your desktop requires two-finger tapping the mousepad and clicking “move to trash”. Whatever happened to the delete button?
Speaking of deleting…in my mac-dumbness, I accidentally deleted the index to my website. Haha. No problem, I’ve done THAT before. Previously, all I had to do was upload the backup index that’s on my computer and voila, solved. Not so fast…apparently it’s not that simple with my new site. Fortunately, my wonderful Admin managed to fix it by the end of the night but it involved a whole lot of reinstalling and reconfiguring stuff. *sigh* I’ll learn to love my macbook soon.