Courtyard BBQ

On May 27, 2006, I became a Mac whore. Stupid Apple.
For a while now, I’ve admired the design of Apple products and even their retail store. We probably visit the store about every two weeks, fiddling with the computers, checking out the newest iPods, and shaking our heads with disgust and shame that we too have gotten sucked into their packaging and product design. All I could hear in my head was “it’s so preeeeety”.
They recently came out with the new MacBook that has an Intel processor and more reasonable price. With some debate and confusion, I did it. I forked over the money and said, “Yes, make me an Apple whore”. I got the white 13″ model with a 2.0 GHz processor and 60 MB hard drive. I must say that it’s pretty snazzy with a new magnetic power cord, newly designed keyboard, and solid feel. And it’s purty.
When we got home, we just turned it on and it was ready to go. Amazing! All I needed to do was decide what my login name was going to be and what language I was going to use. Today, I tried to install the Adobe CreativeSuite today and it totally crashed on me. Aren’t Macs not supposed to crash?! I tried to restart and it would fall apart after the first couple seconds. So now my Network Admin is helping me reinstall Mac OS X and it should be good as new in about 2 hours and 5 minutes (according to the installation window). Cross your fingers…I may need to call Apple Care soon.
Last week, I learned how to make a stockinette stitch. It basically involves knitting a row, then purling a row, and so on. Yesterday, I started to make a hat that would fit a small child but I got tired and kept having to fix my work. So, I unraveled it and went to sleep. Tonight, instead of starting over, I made a mini-hat just so I could practice the pattern without stressing myself out. Coincidentally, duckie was willing to be my model and boy does the hat fit well. Doesn’t he look fly in his new gangsta hat?
When you move into a house, you usually have to start buying plants and do a little landscaping. Well, I’ve managed to keep a couple things alive but I’d have to say that my thumb is probably more purple than green. We received a bonsai when we first moved in and that sucker lasted probably 9 months. I guess that’s not bad. I also planted a few shrubs and flowers in my mini-garden and I don’t know how many times they’ve died from not enough sun or too much water. *sigh* What’s a girl to do?
Well, I was watching Good Eats one day and A.B. inspired me to grow my very own avocado tree. I was skeptical but I figured I’d give it a try. You start out with the pit, put three toothpicks through it, and suspend it over a cup of water. After a couple weeks, it’s supposed to grow a root on the underside and then later a stem on the top. Well, my avocado seed sat and sat on my window sill with nothing happening. THEN I finally saw a little something poking down into the water. It’s a root!! After a few more weeks the root started going nuts. In fact, the seed cracked open because the root was so thick. After another few weeks, I noticed a little something poking out of the top. It’s a stem! So now, a little over two months later, I have a real live baby avocado tree!! It has a woody stem and new leaves at the top and sides. How exciting! Ah…my thumb feels greener already!
Oh yeah, I also started an herb garden. I’m growing parsley (the two on the outside) and thyme (one in the middle). I just put seeds in the soil and kept is watered. They grow really fast. I think the thyme sprouted within the first 4 days! Isn’t nature great?!
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