Browse Day: April 12, 2006

Touche Pussycat!

Lately I’ve been reminiscing, mostly to myself, about a certain cat and mouse cartoon that I used to watch as a kid. I went on to find my favorite episodes and found myself sitting at my work desk cracking up at the descriptions of each episode. How silly. But c’mon, if you ever saw the episode of Uncle Pecos visiting Jerry and pulling wiskers off of Tom for new gi’tar strangs, you’d laugh out loud too. All I know is that I have a sudden urge to buy one of their compilation DVDs, have my brother over for cereal, and sit in front of the TV for a couple hours watching Tom & Jerry cartoons under a fort built of sofa cushions and diningroom chairs.  By the way, Blogger has officially been blocked from my district network…boo…
One more thing…I went on a 22-mile bike ride with Jesse and Jay. Took the Garmin and it tracked my speed, distance, elevation, and everything else you can think of. When I plug it in and sync it, it looks up the temperature and wind speed for the time I was out there too. Ridiculous. It might as well measure the amount of sweat I produce. Anyway, I had a pleasant ride through Irvine and managed to get home in one piece. Riding with the clippies in isn’t as scary as it used to be.