Browse Day: April 2, 2006

Later, skis. Hello, tennies.

Did you all remember to set your clocks foward an hour? It’s Daylight Saving Time!

With one less hour of sleep, we got up at 5:30 am and drove to Snow Summit today. The weather was a balmy 40 degrees at the bottom of the lift but got a little chillier at the top. The snow was hard packed powder that got a little softer as the day went on. These conditions don’t come close to what my brother was getting in Whister this weekend but what else can you expect from Southern California in April? I couldn’t help feeling a little sad on my last ride down the mountain but I was happy that we had a good season. Perhaps if the snow keeps falling in Mammoth, we might be taking one last trip up. We’ll just have to wait and see. Until we decide, it’s officially running season and I have some miles to log.