Browse Day: March 13, 2006

3 generations

On Saturday, Cole turned 1 year old. Yay! To celebrate, we had a little party at my parents’ house. It was also the first time I got to see the house with the new floors, paint, and furniture…what a difference!

Anyway, back to the bday party…Cole seemed to enjoy all the attention he was getting that evening. There were plenty of people to entertain him, carry him, and feed him. At dinner, we were reflecting on how we had 3 generations sitting at the table. Boy, we’re all getting so old. My mom and auntie were reminiscing about the old days when both of our families lived in the same apartment building and how my mom would babysit me and Marie each day when we were his age. We were in pretty modest living conditions back then and Marie and I would take turns napping either on the floor or the crib. My mom also said that I’d sometimes find cockroaches on the floor and eat them when she wasn’t looking…mmm…cucarrachas. After dinner, Cole got to sit on the dining table with his birthday cake while everyone sang “Happy Birthday” to him for the first time. He seem pretty interested in the cake and almost got his grubby little hands on it. He attempted to open the present I wrapped for him but seemed more enamored with the glittery paper than the gift itself. It’s too bad he probably won’t remember this little party. He’ll just have to watch the video. Here are some photos of the little shindig.