Jes and I went to Tahoe this past weekend. On Saturday, we went to Squaw Valley and it started out rather dismal with snow, wind, and virtually no visibility. In fact, I took quite a tumble when I couldn’t see the terrain in front of me and did a nice faceplant. I got a mouth full of snow and tasted a little bit of blood from my lip. That was pleasant. After lunch, the sun finally came out and the rest of the day was awesome. We managed to find some powder and the back side wasn’t as windy. Squaw has a pretty accurate rating of their runs. Blues were real blues and black diamonds were pretty scary. On my last run I decided to take a run where the sign said “Advanced Only”. I just hate it when the mountain is so steep that you can’t see the bottom and it looks like you’re about to fall off a cliff. Luckily, it wasn’t a cliff and I managed to get down without injury. Phew!
On Sunday, we went to Alpine Meadows. The weather was great and the snow conditions were just as nice. Jes took the day off and hung out in the lodge all day. Boy, did he miss out. We found some powder on the back side and the some of the runs were nice and long. I took the terrain park with Vyl and landed a baby jump. Woohoo! Unfortunately, on the next run, I caught a nasty edge at the bottom of the run, lost control, and hit the back of my head pretty hard on the ground. That certainly ended my day. So, the question now is whether or not to get a helmet. I don’t want to look like a poser but hitting my head on the ground is hurty…what to do?
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