Browse Month: February 2006


With Jesse’s help, I managed to get my photoblog up and running. It’s still testing and I’m still tweakin’ it but it’s working! Pixelpost is what I’m using and so far it’s a lot cooler than Blogger. I’m not sure how I will integrate this site with…still working that out.

Try out the comments feature, click around, and let me know if there are any bugs. Perhaps this will become a gallery of my rejected iStockphoto submissions. Enjoy!


Dude, Huy’s flying planes. It’s pretty cool but his photos make you wonder how he’s taking photos while he’s supposed to be flying the plane. He just sent us some photos from his training in Key West and boy oh boy is he making some guys jealous. Eat your heart out, Tom Cruise!

The Suminos

We had Marie, Kenji, and Cole over for dinner last night. I also got to take a nice family photo of them.

The Value of Money

I want to go to Disneyland. As a kid, I practically grew up there and also worked there after high school as many other Southern Californians did. I also remember going with my cousin and being able to survive all day (including admission) with the 20 dollar bill that my mom dropped me off with. However, for the past 12 years, I haven’t really gone much and have been limited to about 0-1 times per year. Now that the 50th Anniversary Celebration is almost over, I’ve been itching to go. The question of the week has been: “Do I get ripped off at $79 for one day or do I pay $229 for the whole year?” Hmm…that’s about three and a half visits. Then that got me thinking about all our trips to Mammoth and Tahoe. Without even a flinch, we’ll pay $70 for a lift ticket on top of perhaps a $140 roundtrip flight and all the other stuff we spend money on in one weekend. It’s funny how money is no object with one activity and then feels like a rip-off for another. I still wanna to go to Did-nee-lan.

They actually look like snowflakes!

It finally rained here in Southern California, which meant badly needed snow in Big Bear. You know what that means…pack up the car and head up the mountain! That’s what we did this weekend and it was a little more adventurous than usual. First of all, we had to actually put chains on our 4WD car. Jes and Jay had a good time figuring that out for the first time. Fortunately, we had the cable-type, which is actually not very hard to put on. Once we were let through, we had to drive 30 mph and had to go through a detour around the other side of the lake due to an oil spill that happened a couple days ago. Then, we were stopped 15 minutes away from the park for about 20 minutes because of an overturned SUV. While we were stopped, Wendy and I rolled down the windows and caught snowflakes on our gloves. Like total dorks, we kept saying, “Hey, look at this one!” Having lived in LA all our lives, we were so amused to see that snowflakes really do look like those paper cut-outs that we made in school. We finally got to Snow Summit to find that the rest of Southern California thought it would be a good idea to come up too. Parking was tough but we managed to get on the mountain by 10:30-ish. Jay, our neighbor across the courtyard, came along for his first time on a snowboard. He spent all day taking classes and hanging out on the beginner runs. He did rather well for his first day (see photo on right). He managed to learn to stop, turn, and get off the lift without falling. Good job, man! We also met up with Scott (Jes’ boss) and his family on the beginner runs and hung out with his kids a bit. Wendy (Jes’ co-worker), Jes, and I went up the mountain to find some powder. There was so much snow!! It was the best day at Snow Summit yet. Unfortunately, it was a littel foggy, the blowers were on all day, and the wind picked up a bit at noon but we still had a great day. We took the double blacks on the far side and I got to practice mini-moguls. No major falls to report today. Pray for more snow! Oh yeah, here are some more photos.