We went to Snow Summit for a half-day and surprisingly the snow conditions weren’t bad. It was just a little strange to see NO SNOW along the roadside on our drive up the mountain and it was 45 degrees outside!! I don’t think people expected it to be so warm out because it seemed like everyone was peeling off layers of clothes, tying their snow jackets to their waists, and I was sweatin’. Is it still January? Because if I didn’t know any better, I’d think it was already Spring.

Anyway, we also met up with Jes’ co-worker, his wife, and 3 kids. The little ones were on the bunny slope learning how to ski and snowboard and was really fun to watch. I even went up the “magic carpet” which is a conveyor belt that you stand on to take you up the little hill. I thought that was so cool compared to the rope pull that I had to endure back when I was learning. Anyway, it’s so fun to watch little kids learning new motor skills. Little Chloe is only 4 and can snowplow down the little hill already. I can’t imagine what she’ll be able to do when she’s 14!
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