Browse Day: January 27, 2006

so mean…

Y’know…you think you’re doing a good job at work and then someone has to come along and crush you. I’m still talking about the family that “beat me up” last week. The reason I’m still hung up on this is because last night I received an evil email from who I will now call “Evil Mom”. What a way to start my weekend. It made my heart sink and gave me a twinge of nausea. Ironically, I just finished a 2-day course that may directly impact “Evil Mom’s” little girl who happens to be, in fact, a very sweet girl. If I ever become a psycho parent like that, someone needs to slap me. I give you permission.
By the way, for the new moms reading this…if your little girl or boy is having any picky eating issues or if you just want to know what the typical developmental stages are for feeding, let me know. My brain is fresh with information right now and I have nifty little handouts for you. 🙂