Browse Day: January 20, 2006

I need a new purpose.

Ugh…I had the most horrible meeting yesterday. It was with the same family that beat me up last year. Without going into details, I basically said, “Your kid is fine at school. She doesn’t need my services anymore.” Boy oh boy did I get it after that. The mom started to cry and grandfather threatened to go to Due Process and bring in an attorney. This was all so that I would hang out with their kid 30 mins per week because it makes them feel better. Anyway, after that, it made me re-evaluate my purpose as a therapist. I thought I went to school to learn how to help people. Instead, I’ve paid an absurd amount of money (tuition and books) to end up with a sucky-paying job that causes me angst and doubt in my judgement. I’m not a babysitter and I’m certainly not a miracle worker who can “fix” their broken kids. Americans are so spoiled. I don’t know if this is making any sense but this just makes me want to move far away to somewhere that really needs me and start a non-profit therapy center. Who’s with me?!