Browse Month: November 2005

more shopping…

Wendy, Jes’ co-worker, scored some extra tickets to the Oakley Employee Family and Friends Sale at the headquarters in Foothill Ranch. So, this morning we got up bright and early and headed out around 8 am. There were lines for each hour and most people had a specific time on their ticket for entry. Fortunately, our tickets said “VIP” and we walked right past the lines and we had a cool carpool lane exprience as we walked to the front of the line. I almost wanted to throw my hands up in the air and yell, “weee!!”.
Anyway, it was set up in the parking lot with tables and tents like a swap meet. People were rather pushy trying to get what they wanted in their size and buying multiples of 4 or 5 of the same things. It was insane. I managed to find a new ski jacket and matching pants along with a few other things….uh…make that 3 pairs of sunglasses, a few shirts, a bag, another jacket, a skirt, and goggles for the brother. Jes got a pair of new snowboarding pants and some other cool stuff too. Everything was at least 50% off, if not more. We spent a lot of money but came home with a full trashbag full of Oakley crap. Fun Fun Fun!

Let’s go shopping!

Since Marie is spending Christmas in New York this year, I thought I’d drop off their presents early. Well, it mostly because I got Cole a really cool toy and I was excited to play with it myself. Now that he’s able to sit up on his own, this is a really fun way to work on his motor skills too (haha – I’m still thinking like a therapist). Anyway, it’s pretty neat with lots of lights and music. The dinosaur even says “Rowr” when the ball falls through his mouth. Very cute.
Last night, I hung out with Marie and Cole again (second night in a row). This time we went on our usual shopping trip. This time it was to my favorite store, Target. This trip was fun since it was the first time Cole was able to sit in the shopping cart seat like a big boy. He was so excited and seemed to have a pretty good time. He’s up higher and isn’t strapped in as tightly as he usually is in a stoller. I think the best part was that Marie was able to shop around without having to worry about him too much and we didn’t need to push a shopping cart AND stroller. We even met this strange man who apparently LOVES children and spent a good five minutes making Cole laugh by making faces and funny sounds. It was rather awkward for me and Marie but Cole seemed to get a kick out of his antics.

locked out

Right now, I’m sitting with my laptop, sitting in my car that is parked in the garage. I’ve been locked out of my house.
This morning I left for work without my house keys, which also has my office key to get into my clinic. So, I was locked out of my office this morning and got in by walking through two classrooms to get in the back way. La-Dee-Da…all is well in the world again. Unfortunately, when I got home just now, I opened the garage, rounded up the dogs as they attempted to escape (they were in the garage all day), and found the door to my house from the garage was locked. Boo!! I suppose Jes thinks that if the garage/patio door is left ajar all day, someone can hop the wall, get in through the garage/house door, and steal our stuff. So, that leaves me here…locked out, have to pee, need to walk the dogs but no access to their leashes, and Jes won’t be home for another 45 minutes. I need to stop forgetting my keys.

photos and booze

I went to see photos taken by Joshua Klein in LA last night at the Fred Segal on Melrose. Dayantha, my brother, and I met up with Holly, Roy, and some other friends there to check out his work. My general feeling of his work was, “that’s nice but I think a nice frame and matte can make almost anything look like art”. He was actually charging $500 for each print. Whew, I need to get into this business! Anyway, we got there in time for some free wine as we mingled with friends. Within a 30-minute period, I downed 2 glasses of red wine and felt the buzz as soon as we left the place. Afterwards, we all went to O-Bar in West Hollywood where there was a very obvious aura of gayness…dudes with other dudes and a sprinkling of women. We all had some drinks and shared appetizers until we were toasty and broke…this place was pretty pricey. Everyone went home afterwards except for the three of us. We stayed for one more drink, went to Pioneer Denny’s for some grease, and were home by 4 am. Good times…

100 yards

I had today off because of Veteran’s Day so I went to the driving range with Dayantha. We went to Strawberry Farms by my house where a large bag of balls costs $12 and you can hit balls off of grass instead of green mats. My shots were surprisingly better than I expected. I switched between my 7 iron, 5 wood, 3 wood, and driver. Overall, I made a few grounders, hit the ball collector once, and whiffed a couple times but I shot my usual straight 100 yards with the 7 iron and occasionally reached at least 200 with the woods/driver. Dayantha did rather well for someone who doesn’t even own a set of clubs. He used Jes’ clubs and managed to get the ball off the ground with some major yardage. It looks like our Dayantha is a natural at the sport. I think the only habit he’ll need to break is the baseball swing that he has a tendency wants to fall back on.

Show and Tell

To make therapy fun for my kids, I try to keep our projects within the theme of the season or holiday while working on their coloring and cutting skills. Well, they have been working pretty hard on some projects so I thought I’d put it together on the wall for everyone to see. Here’s what they made these past weeks.
Here’s a turkey that my friend Matthew made. Notice how it’s a 3-D turkey with a springy neck. I think it looks pretty comical.
Here are some pretty leaves that my other friends colored and decorated with glitter. Some of them are advanced enough to cut them out and some I had to do it for them.

Here is what the wall looks like. It’s still a work-in-progress since some of the kids haven’t made theirs yet but you get the point. The kids really like to see their work on the wall. They always come in and try to find their own turkeys and leaves. This is one of those times that I think my job is cool.