That’s a cute shirt.
Today I spent the day in Union Square with Vyl. We went to the Expotique to pick up some shwag. I scored a personalized pace band, a grip of Luna Bars, and some Ghiradelli chocolate. I also tried on some Nike shoes and got a free pair of socks. Cool! The whole city was covered in blue and orange Nike Marathon billboards and posters. This is quite a production and whoever is in charge of Nike’s marketing is a genius. The NikeTown was packed with women scrambling around trying to buy everything off the racks. Some popular items were already sold out by this morning and I am even tempted to purchase a $70 jacket that can be personalized for free. *sigh* I’m such a sucker for cute running stuff. This is one running event that goes above and beyond anything I’ve ever seen. I guess they just know they’ll make it all up through NikeTown sales. It’s just ridiculous.
This evening before dinner, we drove the actual race route. There are some gnarly hills on the course and the last half of my marathon is a litte dull. I was feeling really anxious afterwards and all through dinner but now that I’ve had my pasta dinner and the timing chip is on my shoe, I’m feeling a little more optimistic. I just have be like the tortoise…”slow and steady”. OK…it’s off to bed I go.
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