Browse Day: October 19, 2005

New Plane, Better Trip

In planning for our Thailand trip, I did some research on our flight, our seat assignments, etc. First of all, they changed our 20-hour flight with one stop in Japan to a 16-hour non-stop flight!! Excellent. Secondly, Thai Airways upgraded their fleet of planes to the Airbus A340-500. I didn’t really know what that meant for us but after doing a little more research I found out that it’s awesome! Of course their “Royal Silk Class” will be sleeping on flat-reclining seats and Premium Economy will have slightly more legroom. But in ECONOMY, we’ll have in-seat personal entertainment featuring on-demand movies, video games, and music. It’s like JetBlue! I also read that each seat will have a PC Power connection to keep your laptop charged the whole way! Woohoo!! We are ghetto-ing-it-up in style!! Brother, Daddy, Jes…if you’re reading this, I think you need to get up out of your seat right now and do a happy dance. Ready? 1-2-3…go!
Ok, time for the daily recap. I essentially had a half-day of work today since our usual afternoon Staff Meeting was cancelled. Yippee! So, I made a date with Marie and Cole. We went out for lunch. We went shopping at IKEA. We even went to Mitsuwa Marketplace! Fun times for us all…even for Taku-chan. He was in a good mood all afternoon and didn’t cry or fuss until the very end as we drove back to my house. Phew!