Browse Day: October 18, 2005

Let’s just get this over with!

The Nike Women’s Marathon is 4 days away and I’m getting a little anxious. I’ve trained. I’ve done this before. I’m even eating bananas! And I’m still anxious! All I know is that I need to mentally prepare for a 5-hour jog. I’m just happy to know that I’ll have friends to run with for the first 13 miles and that I’ll have friends and family cheering for me along the route. I guess the nice little Tiffany & Co. finisher’s necklace isn’t bad either. 😉
Let’s change subjects. I started a new photoblog today. I’ve been thinking about learning PHP so I can build my very own but then I found this site. It’s a neat concept…I just don’t know if any of my photos are worth showcasing in this format. It seems that just posting them on the blog I already have is enough. I suppose the coolest thing about a photoblog is that it will allow me to categorize my photos for easier searching and viewing. That’s all I can think of at the moment.