Browse Day: October 9, 2005

Bananas are yucky.

This weekend was quiet and uneventful. Even the dog looked a little depressed or at least frustrated with all the inactivity. After a few days of having a cold, I managed to get in one last 6-mile run on Saturday morning and Koa got to run at the dog park today. Jesse made gnocchi and enough lasagna to last us a week and we had the neighbors over tonight for some drinks. Not much happened this weekend but it was a nice change after a month of birthday hoopla.
In other news…I have been defeated by the banana this week. Last weekend I bought a bunch of 4 small bananas and made a goal for myself to eat all four of them by Friday. Well, it’s Sunday and there are two left. I hate bananas. They make my throat and lips itchy. They’re mushy and have a strong scent that stays in the room for hours (especially if it’s in an open trash can). Jesse says they’re the “perfect food” because they have lots of vitamins and are especially beneficial to athletes. I’m not much of an athlete and I just think they suck. I have two more to go this week. Time to power through!!