Bye Bye, Summer
The last day of summer was gorgeous. It just rained yesterday so the skies were blue, the air was clean, and the weather couldn’t have been more perfect in Southern California. I took one last summer jog at about 6 pm and it was rather pleasant. I had my iPod going, the sun was setting, there was a nice breeze to keep me cool, and the hills weren’t bad either. It was a nice end to a good summer.
Summer recap:
-Wine Tasting in Napa
-Camping in Tahoe
-Roasted Marshmallows at Huntington Beach
-Jack Johnson Concert under the stars
-Fireworks over Newport Back Bay
-Tour de France on OLN (Yay Lance!)
-Lots of mild mornings for my Long Runs
-Successful Half Marathon in San Diego
-Jesse’s Century Rides
-One last time at Camp Escapades
-I had my driver’s license (haha)
-Many afternoons at the Dog Park
-No sunburns!
-Wine Tasting in Napa
-Camping in Tahoe
-Roasted Marshmallows at Huntington Beach
-Jack Johnson Concert under the stars
-Fireworks over Newport Back Bay
-Tour de France on OLN (Yay Lance!)
-Lots of mild mornings for my Long Runs
-Successful Half Marathon in San Diego
-Jesse’s Century Rides
-One last time at Camp Escapades
-I had my driver’s license (haha)
-Many afternoons at the Dog Park
-No sunburns!
…not too shabby.
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