Browse Day: September 11, 2005

Amtrack Century 2005

Jesse, Jimmy, and Pish finished their first Century today. They rode their bicycles from Irvine down to San Diego in 7.5 hours including 4 rest stops and 1 flat tire. The day started really early – waking up at 5:30, leaving the house by 6:30 and starting at 7:00.
They also had their own personal SAG (Support and Gear) along the ride too. Debbie, Eleen, and I had three cars and we followed each other down – partly alongside them on the bike route and also met up with them at each rest stop. The girls rode in the cars with cell phones, GPS, maps, the route list, and walkie talkies, which really helped!! We even got an emergency call from Jes when he got a flat tire. They called and said, “we’re on the corner of Carlsbad and Beech, can you meet us there?” We punched in the streets, found them, and brought out the bike pump. Who needs the official SAG when the unofficial SAG rocks?!
It was also a big family affair with Pish’s parents and Debbie’s parents along the way with Debbie’s brother and kids at one cheering stop. We also had dinner at Debbie’s brother’s house in San Marcos afterwards. Overall, they looked really strong out there and conquered the hill at Torrey Pines. The weather was nice, they had a view of the beach every once in a while, and had lots of people to take photos, cheer, and embarrass them throughout the day.
Fun day. Great job, boys!! What’s next?