Browse Day: August 14, 2005

Goal met.

The AFC Half Marathon is all done! Getting up in the morning wasn’t as painful as I expected. Unfortunately, there were some party girls down the hall that kept everyone else up and Nikki ended up with only 1 hour of sleep. We were out the door by 5:15 and on the charter bus by 6 am. My peanut butter sandwich was not very appetizing so early in the morning but it did its job. My time goal was 2:15 and I finished in 2:12:35!! Yay me!! Nikki finished under 2 hours, which was her goal so she did well too. Now we’re home. I took a super nap in the car, super nap at home, and my headache is finally gone. *sigh* It’s too bad I have to go to work tomorrow.