Browse Day: June 7, 2005

just keep swimmin’, just keep swimmin’

I tried that swimming stuff again today. Since I’m in the middle of marathon training, I’m supposed to crosstrain…something about “protecting my knees” with low impact activities every other day. *sigh* What is THAT all about? Anyway, I’ve been meaning to start swimming for some time. Jes swims once or twice per week and makes it look so easy. Unfortunately, I am not as “ducky” as he is and feel like a drowning puppy. My first day in the pool was last Tuesday…it sucked. Today was my second day and it sucked just as much. I guess those lessons at CPE back when I was six years old didn’t do much for me. I can only complete 250 yards for now but maybe it’ll get better over time. I hope so…or I’m gonna quit this silly sport.