Browse Day: May 24, 2005

So long, fishie.

Back in our college days, around…1996, we bought a little fishie that was only 3 inches long. He was an arowana…one of those long fishies that people display in Chinese restaurants or in their doorway to fend off bad spirits. I remember the days when we would hand feed him bloodworms and check the water temperature religiously. Later, he grew up into a big fishie. We had to get a larger and larger tank for him as he got bigger over time. When Jes moved home after graduating from UCLA, we also had to move the fishie. He lived with Jes’ parents for a long time after that…until today. At about 9 years old, 2 feet long, and 3 inches thick, he is now floaty dead. Jes’ mom called me this afternoon with the bad news and sounded genuinely sad. She even said that she no longer wanted to have the tank in the hallway anymore. I suppose it’s just too sad for her. Bye fishie!
On a lighter note…I did something kinda weird today. At 3:00, after my last meeting, I put on my running gear and headed out the door. Yup, I ran home. It was a very strange experience…I’ve never lived so close to work before! All I could think to myself was, “hey, this is pretty cool!” According to my GPS, the route I took was 3 miles long. Sweet.