Browse Day: May 13, 2005

More to do and see!!

On Friday morning, Heather and I got up pretty early, picked up some coffee, picked up Elaine (my Irvine carpool friend), and headed back down to Long Beach. The morning workshop was only 3 hours but felt like an eternity. I was just itching to go back to the expo. They were giving away lots of cool stuff including tools and gadgets that I can actually use at work with my kids. After lunch at Islands, we had one more course to attend and a little more shopping to do. Whew! By the end of the day, we were all pooped out and ready to go home. It’s too bad that we were too tired to go to Zoe’s annual tequila party that night. I’m sure it would have been fun, as usual. Once we got home, Jes was pretty hungry and grumpy from being at home all day without a car. We walked to the sushi restaurant across the street for some sushi and beer. The weather was warm and pleasant and it was so much fun catching up with Heather. Tomorrow, we’re ditching the conference and driving down to San Diego to visit Dahlia. Can’t wait!