Browse Day: May 10, 2005

No gas station, please.

We have a shopping center in our neighborhood that opened just last year. It started out with the standard grocery store, pharmacy, and dry cleaners. They later added little restaurants, the Starbuck on the corner, of course, and even a boutique pet store. Now they are proposing to build an ARCO/AM PM gas station/convenience store/car wash. Well, there are several neighbors who have roped us (mostly Jes) into joining their opposition to the project. They are worried about the light/air pollution, transients in the neighborhood, unnecessary traffic, and declining home values. Since he’s had a lot of time on his hands, Jes has been writing letters to the City Council, he’s been attending the informational meetings, and now we have a Yahoo Groups site. To kick it up a notch, this afternoon we walked around the neighborhood stuffing flyers into people’s doors! I’m curious to see the turnout at next week’s City Planning Commission Meeting. Click here to check out the group site.