Browse Day: May 3, 2005

beef, gooood.

One of our new year’s resolutions is to eat beef only once per week and this week’s featured item was PRIME RIB! I’m not sure how people can be vegetarians but I only had a portion smaller than a deck of cards (the recommended serving size, by the way) and it was sooooo yummy. It’s a good thing I went for a run this afternoon.
In other news, I recently discovered the phenomenon called Nordstrom Rack. I have a bunch of friends who love to shop there but I never got around to it. Yes, I’m a bit late but so glad I finally got to go! It’s like Marshalls but even better! Who can beat a pair of $6 Reef slippas and $11 Roxy dress?! Too bad I won’t be going to Key West as we planned. Stupid United has restrictions on the number of free flights they will allow and they were all booked. Could it be the NBA Playoffs? Maybe. All I know is that I can’t get to Miami without spending an arm and a leg. Boo…no Key Lime Pie for me.