Browse Month: April 2005

Home Visits

Today was my day to make my long-over-due home visits to my “new-mom” friends. First stop was Westwood. I went to Patti’s apartment to meet her little girl, Katie, who is now 4 months old and has lots of hair. Holly also came so we all got a chance to hang out with the baby and catch up.

Next stop was Marie’s house. Her little boy, Cole, is 1 month old, has gained 2 pounds since I last saw him, and got to go on an outing with us! Marie got her first taste of sushi since her pregnancy and the toro was melty-good.

What I learned today: 1) babies fart, poop, eat, and sleep a lot, 2) their moms have a tough job, and 3) I’m really not ready to have my own.

One more thing…watch how fast you drive on Orange County streets. I got a speeding ticket on my way home from Marie’s for going 60 on a 45…booooooo.

And so my break begins…

It’s Friday and my Spring Break is here! School got out at 10:45 today so I went out for a 3-hour lunch with Elaine, an old co-worker and good friend. Later, I took Koa to the dog park where he met 3 other Shibas! With Jes in Vegas for the weekend, I got to straighten up the house a bit while catching up on a week’s worth of Days of Our Lives on Tivo. Topped off the evening with a trip to Target and now I’m watching more TV. At this moment, my life is so simple and sooooooo good. Ah…

Is it Spring Break yet?

This week has been crazy at work. So many reports to finish before Spring Break and I’m so burnt. I’m looking forward to a week of sitting, relaxing, and maybe some more skiing.

Spud has hatched!

This morning was tough…stupid Daylight Saving Time.
When I got to work today, I found a really pretty butterfly flying around the closed window. It was black with yellow and white markings. I checked under my desk and the chrysalis was open. It was Spud!! He’s a butterfly now! I watched him flutter around until he got stuck in the window sill. So, I pinched his two wings together and let him out the door. Off he flew up and away, ready to start his new life. Isn’t nature cool?

Butterflies everywhere!

Just got back from Mammoth. The snow was great and it was sunny and warm on Saturday. We tried riding June Mountain this time and it was nice. The runs were a little short but it was so empty! We also got to watch Johnny take the terrain park down but unfortunately one of the rails jumped up and bit him – leaving him with a nice scrape on his forearm and a week’s worth of whiplash.
Spring was definitely in the air this weekend…we saw lots of pretty wildflowers, geese flying back home, and ducks “gettin’ it on” in front of the Best Western. On our way there and back, we got up-close and personal with the new spring butterflies. They were splattered all over the windshield, stuck in the grill, and one even flattened onto one of the side mirrors.