Browse Day: March 16, 2005

I’m here. I’m OK.

After a long conversation with a close friend over the phone last night, I realized that I’ve become a little hermit in my “hermit world”. I suppose it hasn’t felt like it to me since I’ve been spending more time with my immediate family who also live in Orange County. It’s been so long since I have been able to just stop by at a friend’s house to say, “hey, what are you doing?” For those who aren’t a five-minute drive away haven’t heard much from us, have only rumors to go by, and some are hurt or concerned that they never hear from me or Jes. I’m here, guys. I’m OK. Jes and I have been living day-to-day and don’t use the phone much with the exception of calling to say “I’m coming home”. I suppose it’s time to reach out to friends just for the sake of reaching out. I guess I’ve taken them all for granted and assume that they’re all busy and the next time we see each other that all will be the same with just a few hours of catching up. I often wonder what they are all up to and my friends actually do wonder about me too. OK…I understand now. I’ll be a better friend.