Browse Month: August 2004

All finished.

Today was the last day of Camp and we ended with a bang. The closing ceremony brought tears to my eyes and smiles all around! Jason (a long-time camper) stole the show when he took the microphone from Cycy to lead the campers in the last 2 songs. Ah…you just had to be there. Moving out was another frenzy but we got it done in record-time. Went out for happy hour to reward all who helped us out.

never a dull day…

It’s been a crazy and exciting week at camp! First, I have to chase down a streaking camper across the field, next we have poo in the kiddie pool, and today Kurt Rambis comes to visit. Never a dull day at Camp Escapades…

Making new friends.

Jes went to Camp with me today and made friends with Aidan today. They spent some quality time in the supply room talking about whales and how to take care of a dog. They also went around to all the neighbors to drop off gifts and got a good run in at the same time.

Welcome to beakatude

With the handy dandiness of, I haven’t felt the need to update my old site. But each summer, I get the “bug” to redo my personal website so here I am! I’m going for simple this time with less extra stuff…just don’t have the time anymore. Welcome to beakatude version 2…

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