Browse Day: November 25, 2001

turkey, fried chicken, and pizza

It’s Thanksgiving weekend and everyone’s home for the holiday. That’s the best part, besides the food. Holly, Dayantha, Victor, Jes, Jimmy, and Yoon came home and I got to see them all. Tonight will be another reunion with my friends from UCLA. It’ll be fun to have the whole gang together again…Hans, Jesse, Mich, Mary, Linda, and of course Sandy – the birthday girl.

On Thursday morning, I woke up to the sounds of KOST playing Christmas songs while my mom was ironing and it was really cold in my room. For a second there, I actually thought it was Christmas already. The DJ was even wishing everyone a “Merry Christmas”.

Anyway, Thanksgiving dinner was at Jes’ house with his family. We had lots of turkey, ham, and everything else you’d expect. This year, my parents went to my auntie’s house and my brother baked a pot pie for himself at home. Thanksgiving is always a strange holiday for my family. Last year, we had a ghetto Thanksgiving with KFC and all the trimmings. That was fun. Another time when I was about 10, we went to Yosemite and were waiting to eat dinner at this nice restaurant but decided not to because the wait was too long. So, we ended up spending Thanskgiving dinner in our hotel room eating leftover pizza from lunch that was warmed over the heater. That was fun too. My family can be so non-traditional and ghetto sometimes but it makes it even more memorable and special for us. To this day, my mom and dad still have fond memories of that trip to Yosemite and get a nostalgic chuckle everytime we talk about it.