Browse Month: September 2001

Fear and Hope

The World Trade Center Twin Towers in New York were attacked yesterday morning. Very scary. Every time I see the coverage on the news it makes me want to cry. The images are so surreal. It’s also weird that I’m JUST getting through the emotions of the day 24 hours later than everyone else.  I was at work all day when it happened and was confused by all the messages left for me on my cell phone that evening on my way home.  It wasn’t until I got home that I realized what had happened.

I don’t know what I’d do if I was one of the passengers or one of the people stuck on the 100th floor. Do you stay in and burn to death or jump and risk being paralyzed from the neck up for the rest of your life? What do you say to a loved one who has just called you from a cell phone in a hijacked plane? So many questions spinning in my head. Times like these really make you appreciate the life you have and the people around you. Make the most of everyday. Family and friends should never be taken for granted.

On a lighter note…I’m finishing my last week at Rancho Los Amigos. I really can’t believe how quickly 12 weeks have gone by. I’m also very amazed at the amount of knowledge and experience I’ve gained. I feel like I’ve really grown as a person and as a therapist. My fellow interns have also been great. I don’t think I would have survived without them…especially Alicia, my collaborative partner. My clinical instructor and interdisciplinary team have been fun to work with. I will never forget the patients and the people I’ve met. I’ve got lots of inspiring stories to tell to students too. OT is so much more than knowing how to take range of motion measurements and grading activities. It’s all about making sure that you find out what’s meaningful to people and bringing it back to them somehow. I’ve got a cool job…