Browse Month: August 2001

Double Celebration

We’re engaged! It happened in front of my school the afternoon of my graduation in Oakland. Jes had planned the event and purchased the ring a week in advance while telling everyone and their mother what he was planning to do on Saturday, August 18, 2001.

Graduation was really nice. It was good to see old friends and to finally feel officially done with school. I got hooded on stage in front of my family, friends, and classmates. Photos were taken and leis were given out to each other. Yoon and Jimmy also came to watch the ceremony. How nice. Once the family was finished taking photos at the theatre, Jes suggested that we go back to my school to take more photos. I thought, “Huh? Why would HE, of all people, suggest to take MORE photos?” Maybe he was just in a really good mood that day. So I went with the plan. Three cars caravanned back to my school and we took our pictures. Dahlia’s family and friends were also there.

Once I thought we were done, Yoon pulled me and Jes together and suggested that we take a picture together. Well, little did I know that I was being set-up! Jes grabbed my hand and said, “I have something for you”. My first thought was “uh oh…what’s going on?” Then he reached into his suit pocket and pulled out a small black velvet box. Then I thought, “oh my gosh, this is the day!” I was in such shock! I couldn’t stop laughing. I was shaking. I kept saying, “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!” Jes got down on one knee and quietly asked, “Will you marry me?” It was so neat because he said it so that only I could hear it. Everyone was asking, “Did he ask her yet??! What’s going on?” Despite that my whole family was there, a bunch of my friends were there, and I was in my cap and gown, for a brief moment…we were alone. It was perfect.

Well, of course I said “yes”. Actually, it was more like, “YES YES YES!” after everyone asked, “what did she say?” I was so happy and couldn’t stop laughing. Yes, I laughed…I didn’t cry. Jes had a big smile on his face and my friends and family were really happy. The ring is so sparkly! Now I have lots of witnesses to recount the moment to me, lots of pictures for me to remember what happened, and actually, Keni (Dahlia’s boyfriend) got it on video too! I’ll have to see that before anyone else does…I must have looked like such a dork!

So we’re engaged now. It just sunk in on Wednesday and I’m actually excited to begin the planning…well, sorta. I’m still really clueless. The big question nowadays is “when is the big day?” Hm…Spring 2003? Other than that, I don’t really have anything really thought out yet. We’ll have to keep you posted.

I love Fridays.

I didn’t quite understand the concept of “living for weekends” until now. Working 40 hours per week for no money sucks. I’m just itching to finish my internship. But don’t get me wrong, I’m working in one of the best places to learn…I’m just feeling really poor and overworked. Slowly I am compiling in my head a pre-morbid list of things that I would like done if I was ever hurt and admitted to a hospital…

  1. Someone needs to bring in my own clothes and toiletries – those hospital gowns are no good and hospital soap and toothpaste sucks.
  2. I would like someone to visit me at least once per day to make sure that nurses are addressing my needs.
  3. Someone needs to bring in something for me to take my mind off any pain, loneliness, or boredom that I may have to endure in the hospital room.
  4. Please please communicate with the therapists and doctors.

Next week I’m actually going to get a day off! Since I have to work on a Saturday in September I decided to take the day before my graduation off. I can’t wait for next weekend when I can go back up to the Bay Area to see some old friends. It’ll also be nice to get away from Southern California for a while. Perhaps talking to old classmates and being away will renew my motivation to work.

Growing up…

Last weekend was Patti’s bridal shower and bachelorette party. I drove up to SF with Patty Shih on Friday and it was so much fun! All the festivities were on Saturday. It was so nice to see all the girls together again and to get caught up with everyone. Holly, Jane, and Timmie (the bridesmaids) did such a great job too! Patti was such a good sport…*sniff* made me proud. I still can’t believe that one of us is actually getting married!

Last night I went to see an old friend from UCLA play in his band. The group is called “Wild Gift” and they sound like a mix between Pearl Jam, Live, and Incubus? Anyway, it was awesome to see Joel up on stage and being a ROCK STAR! He was really jammin’ on his acoustic guitar! Tonight we’re going to see him play at the Roxy…should be cool. Well, I’m half-way done with my internship at Rancho…only 6 more weeks to go!

Today I will be having a little “midterm evaluation meeting” with my Clinical Instructor. This should be interesting. I’m feeling like I’m in the flow of things at Rancho and can’t wait to be done! I love the experience but I’m just feeling the burn right now. Some say that the last 6 weeks there will fly…I sure hope so. Can’t wait to find a real job that pays.

Jes got a job this week! It’s not his “ideal job” but it’s better than unemployment! I’m relieved and I think he’s somewhat at peace. The job is at a home equity firm in San Ramon. He will actually start on Monday…yikes!