This is a little late but here’s the recap of last weekend with Brother and Joy.

As soon as I picked them up from the airport, we dropped off their stuff and headed out for a bite to eat. We initially went to Orson for some duckfat fries but then ended up eating at the Korean taco truck out in front of Bar Basic. It was a tasty $2 taco filled with spicy pork, a thinly sliced pickled dikon, and kimchi. On top of that, there was a red sauce that gave it a good kick in the mouth.

On Saturday morning, Koa greeted them with a few sniffs and tugs of the pillow. After a long walk and some coffee, my uncle came up to pick up Brother for a game of golf in Vallejo.

It was good to see him and Johnny got to play golf on a nice, quiet course.

While they were away, Joy and I went to the race expo and did some shopping at Sports Basement. Afterward, I took Joy to Sausalito to buy some teeny tiny Totoros.

On our way there, we got stuck in traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge. It was unusually heavy and I was wondering what was going on until we find the far right lane blocked and cops hovering over the rail. Someone was threatening to jump the bridge! Joy even saw the guy on the other side of the rail talking to the cops. Sorry guys, no photo this time. We were too distracted by the incident to think of snapping a photo. Too bad though…she had a front row view of it all.

For dinner, we carbo-loaded at La Briciola on risotto, mussels, ravioli, tagliatelle, and veal.

On Sunday afternoon (after the Half Marathon), we showered and rested up before heading out again for ice cream.

We went to Mr. and Mrs. Miscellaneous in Dog Patch and tasted a variety of interesting flavors ranging from Candied Violet to Candied Ginger.

For dinner, we went to La Mar where Brother almost got tricked by a sauce that contained peanuts. Heh heh.
Here are the rest of the photos. It was good to see you guys again. Hope you’re having a great time in Hawaii right now!!!
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